Kip McGrath Durbanville

Extra lessons to help kids reach their full potential

Kip McGrath Durbanville - Extra lessons to help kids reach their full potential

Province Western Cape
Category Education, Training & Community
Sub Category Skills Development
Business Address 2 Durcon House, 15 Paul Kruger Street, Loerie Park, Durbanville, 7550
Cellphone Number 0827775666
Telephone Number 0827775666

If you have a feeling that your child might need extra help with school work, you are more than welcome to bring him/her for a free assessment at Kip McGrath Durbanville. Our expert tutors will determine the exact cause for their learning obstacles and will then provide extra lessons aimed at overcoming these specific issues. Our tutors are all qualified tutors, and specialise in teaching for learners from grade R - 12.

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