Whale Watchers Hermanus

Come Have a Whale of a Time!

Whale Watchers Hermanus - Come Have a Whale of a Time!

Province Western Cape
Category Business & Professional Services
Sub Category Business Services
Business Address Westcliff Road, New Harbour
Cellphone Number 0829318064
Telephone Number 0283124957

Hermanus in South Africa is the Land Based Whale Watching capital of the world and every whale watching trip is a unique experience where the sightings vary. Southern Right Whales are the stars of the show during the annual mating in calving season, which starts with the arrival of the bulls in June, closely followed by the females. They will mate during their sojourn in the South African Cape Coastal waters. Pregnant female Southern Right Whales will be the last to arrive and the last to leave with their newborn calves. Only when the calves are fit enough will they swim back to the Antarctic waters where she and the calf will feed on krill, a nutritious rice grain size crustacean.

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